1 Corinthians 11 verse 1 “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.”
We would like to inform you that we are no longer located at 1274A Kennedy Road, Scarborough, ON. While our new headquarters undergoes renovations, there will be no in-person services until further notice. We encourage you to head over to "Godsonlive" YouTube Channel to tune into our livestream Sunday Morning Service. We apologize for any inconvenience. Stay tuned.

Mount Zion Church The Apostle Doctrine of God

Psalm 122 verse 1
I was glad when they said to me,
“Let us go into the house of the Lord.”
Come fellowship and learn The True Interpretations of The Holy Scriptures, that The Lord has revealed through His Chosen Apostle John McGregor.

Wednesday Night Service
Romans 15 verse 4
"For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope."
Draw near to learn how to serve God in spirit and truth, according to what is written!
Please bear in mind that all in-person services have been temporarily postponed until renovations of our new headquarters have been completed. Our Livestream Service starts at 8pm EDT.
Don't live in Ontario? Not an issue. Simply tune in to our service livestreams available on YouTube, Instagram & Facebook!

Sunday Service
John 8 verse 31
Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Praise, worship, and most importantly follow along in The Scriptures as The Word of The Lord goes forth.
Due to recent renovations of our new headquarters, all in-person services have been temporarily postponed until further notice. Please head over to "Godsonlive" YouTube channel to tune into our livestream Sunday Service.

Monday & Tuesday Night Live Q&A
Proverbs 2 verse 10-11
"When wisdom enters your heart, And knowledge is pleasant to your soul, Discretion will preserve you: Understanding will keep you"
Is there anything that you would like more clarification on? Or is there a particular Scripture that you would like to gain deeper insight about? If so, look no further. Apostle John McGregor will be answering any questions concerning what is written, live on “Mount Zion Church The Apostle Doctrine of God” YouTube Channel.
Our Q&A livestream starts at 8pm EDT. All are welcome!

1Corinthians 3 verse 16 “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?”
Mount Zion Church The Apostle Doctrine of God is founded purely on The Holy Scriptures. Apostle John McGregor preaches The Deep Revelations with all boldness and authority, as the Holy Spirit grants Him utterance. To open the understanding of every soul seeking The Lord, according to what is written. All are welcome to come visit our headquarters in person, follow along with our service livestreams and reach out to us with any questions concerning The Holy Scriptures.
Psalm 24 verse 1
"The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness. The world and those who dwell therein."
If you have been inspired by The Word of God and would like to support the ministry. Please feel free to give via the direct deposit information below.
Mount Zion Church The Apostle Doctrine of God
Swift Code: CIBCCATT
Transit #: 01442
Account #: 5215714 Institution #: 0010
Branch Address: 104 Harwood Avenue, Ajax, Ont.
or via e-transfer to mzc.apostledoctrineofgod@gmail.com